Monday, January 24, 2011

Lab Week3

Geocoding is a useful tool that helps anybody find what they are looking for. Most addresses have been geocoded for people to find as a reference. These addresses have been stored on the internet and can be easily found using a simple search such as Google search.

Geocoding gives people a visual representation of what they are looking for on a map. As in this instance, any patient in the LA County area with a medical marijuana card can see where the nearest dispensary is located in respect to their location in the county.

Geocoding also comes in very handy for strangers to a new area. For instance, if I was a patient looking for the nearest dispensary, I could pull out my phone and search for it and the nearest address would load up and tell me how to get there. Most people possess a smartphone and can look up a location for what they are searching for which makes geocoding a necessity for businesses and customers alike.